Playstyles For Herding Group Dogs

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Learn Your Puppy’s Unique Playstyle

Each and every puppy has a unique playstyle and learning what that style is can be crucial to developing successful socialization skills for your puppy. Dogs who receive positive and thorough socialization as puppies are more assured to grow into healthy, friendly adult dogs. While the best way to figure this out is through observation, you can make some educated guesses as to your puppy’s playstyle based on their breed. Often, playstyles are dependent in part on breed type.

Playstyles For Herding Group Dogs

Herding dogs have the desire and ability to control the movements of livestock (primarily sheep and cattle). The work with owner’s commands and their own judgement to protect and move livestock. Herding is done by stalking, staring, barking, nipping, or gathering the livestock. These breeds are dependable companions and natural watchdogs. These breeds generally have a high energy level and can sometimes be intimidating to other dogs. They generally like to run and chase.

Look Into Doggy Daycare For Your Dog Today

The benefits your dog could receive by going to doggy daycare are undeniable! Ensure your dog’s health and happiness by looking for a doggy daycare to enroll them in while they are young. Again, not all doggy daycares are the same, so be sure to look around to find the best match for your pet.

Guy Edwards