Set Up Playdates For Your Puppies

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Playdates Are A More Relaxed Way To Socialize Your Puppy

If throwing a puppy party seems like it might be too much for your puppy, consider a smaller form of socialization first – puppy playdates. Playdates involve fewer dogs and take place more regularly. If you have acquaintances with compatible dogs and schedules, you need to look no further. You and your pup can both enjoy frequently scheduled visits. Your doggy daycare may be a good resource for finding a compatible puppy playmate. Otherwise, try scouting your neighborhood for potential playmates/owners or while walking your dog at the local park.

3 Tips For Successful Puppy Playdates

Consider what you already know about how your puppy reacts to other dogs and ask your potential playdate partner about their dog’s play preferences. This way you can match playstyles more easily. If you’re not sure about your puppy’s playstyle, the good news is you have a lot more leeway when it comes to puppy interactions. Puppy playstyles are less rigidly defined as compared to adolescent and adult dog play, so it’s likely that well-socialized pups of similar size and age will enjoy each other’s company no matter how they interact together.

1. Choose Playdate Partners Wisely

A set of well-matched play pals are typically close in size and age so that no one dog can get accidentally overwhelmed by the other’s bulk or energy level. Even if one of the players is a gentle giant, the intensity of most dog-on-dog play means there’s a greater likelihood of an accidental injury to the smaller pup. There are exceptions, of course, but the rule of thumb is to keep the pair as close to being evenly matched in age and stature as possible.

2. Pick A Neutral Location

This step can make scheduling an introductory playdate less of a challenge. The best play locations are those that do not “belong” to either of the dogs (to prevent territory issues), are those that are safe for off-leash play (meaning, it’s a fully-fenced outdoor area or a dog-safe indoor spot), are large enough to allow for the full spectrum of playstyles (but not so large that the dogs are miles away from you). It is ideal to meet at the home of a dog-free friend with a fenced-in yard or at a community tennis court that has an enclosure during the off-season. Remember, of course, to be respectful of the property and clean up any deposits.

3. Set Expectations

Even if you’ve done your homework about the other play partner and found the perfect location, there’s a chance that things might not go as planned. Sometimes dogs and puppies just aren’t that into each other, whether it’s due to differing playstyles, mismatched personalities or a missing unknowable “spark” that makes them want to romp together. If the puppies aren’t interested in hanging out or if they’re not playing appropriately, you might have to end the session before you want to. While it can be frustrating to put so much effort into planning a playdate and have it come to such an abrupt end, keep in mind that finding a good match can take time.

Having a dog that is friendly and well-adjusted goes a long way toward making both your life and your dog’s life easier. Finding a good doggy daycare is a great place to introduce your puppy to socialization skills and it’s also a great way for them to meet and play with other puppies.

Look Into Doggy Daycare For Your Dog Today

The benefits your dog could receive by going to doggy daycare are undeniable! Ensure your dog’s health and happiness by looking for a doggy daycare to enroll them in while they are young. Again, not all doggy daycares are the same, so be sure to look around to find the best match for your pet.

Guy Edwards