
Enrichment + Structure + Free Parking = Stress Free Daycare

We offer a new, improved daycare model that follows the traditional daycare for children. Your pup will get better quality attention, more individual care, and better rest.

New research shows that many dogs are quite stressed by traditional daycare. Some dogs, like some people, find traditional daycare overwhelming and over-stimulating. Many dogs prefer the company of just a few close, trusted dog friends. When they are in a larger group, they may become stressed and display some aggressive behaviors, or they might retreat into a corner to get away from the excitement.

Neither of these is a healthy option. Traditional daycare is more likely to lead to high arousal levels that can cause aggression and injuries.


Dogs must come in at least once a week. Choose a day(s) and make it consistent so that your dog gets to know his friends that come on that day and doesn’t have the stress of having to navigate new groups. Of course, we are flexible, and if there is a week where you have to come on a different day, we will make it work!

Schedule Your Evaluation

This will ensure your pup is a good fit. This evaluation will ensure your pup is a good fit for our daycare. It will take approximately 1 hour, during which time we will take notes of how your pup does in meeting different types of dogs. When you pick him up, we will go over what we observed and our recommendations.

Make Sure Your Vaccinations Are Up to Date

Dogs attending daycare must be up to date on all vaccinations. This includes DAPP, Bordetella, rabies, and canine influenza. We cannot take dogs sick with any coughing, other respiratory symptoms or diarrhea.

What to Expect

  • More play with “best friends” leads to having a better time.

  • Structure and function are more like a nursery school than a recess yard all-day.

  • A professional, trained staff that functions as teachers rather than lunchroom monitors

  • More value-added activities, like tricks the dog can do, “art” projects, etc.

  • Not a one-size-fits-all approach

  • A unique combination of playtime, individualized attention from staff, and fun activities

  • Activities and play buddies are hand-selected for your pet.

  • Rotation among several activities and playgroups provide variety daily, weekly, monthly.

  • Puzzles and activities provide mental exercise, just as tiring as physical exercise.

  • Mental stimulation builds your dog’s confidence and self-control.


Daycare Pricing

Evaluation (1 hour): $10

Daycare Cost Per Day: $45 - drop-off between 7 am and 9 am, pick-up between 4 pm and 6 pm

Half-day daycare morning: $30 - drop-off between 7 am and 9 am, pick-up by 1 pm (Up to 5 HOURS otherwise considered a full day)

Half-day daycare afternoon: $30 - drop-off at or after 1 pm, pick-up by 6 pm


Full-day daycare: 10 pack for $425

20 pack for $810

Half-day daycare: 10 pack for $280

20 pack for $540