Doggy Daycare Must-Haves

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Why You Should Consider A Doggy Daycare For Your Puppy

There are many benefits to entering your puppy into a doggy daycare program. It gives them an opportunity to play and socialize while you’re at work. Additionally, it prevents your puppy from forming destructive habits out of boredom or anxiety when left alone. One of the biggest benefits of doggy daycare for puppies is the socialization. Proper socialization allows your puppy to grow into a friendly and well-adjusted adult dog. Puppies who lack proper socialization can become anxious and even unfriendly to other dogs and humans. This can even have a negative impact on their health!

If you’ve got a new puppy, looking into local doggy daycares could benefit both you and your pup. But what should you look for in a doggy daycare?

A Positive Environment

You want to make sure the doggy daycare you enroll your puppy in is a positive environment. Avoid places that use “training tools” that rely on punishing or hurting dogs in care — such as shock collars, electric collars, bark collars, air horns, and spray bottles. These tools are not effective for training and will only confuse your puppy.


In an environment that regularly hosts a lot of puppies and adult dogs, messes are inevitable. Between fur, accidents on the floor, and slobber, a doggy daycare facility can get really messy. That’s why you want to make sure the doggy daycare you enroll your puppy in is cleaned daily — vacuumed, disinfected, etc. Items that the dogs regularly come into contact with, such as dog beds, should be replaced occasionally too. If it seems like a doggy daycare you’re interested in doesn’t clean regularly, don’t enroll your puppy.


Of course, you want to know that your puppy will be safe while you leave them at their doggy daycare. Make sure the staff is knowledgeable about how to keep your puppy safe. Additionally, look for details like flooring that allows dogs traction while they play, and other environmental aspects that will keep them safe.


You want to make sure your pup is constantly supervised. You do not want to find a group of dogs in a room without a staff member with them actively supervising them, and not just on camera. You also want to make sure there is a small dog to staff ratio for added safety. Staff should be well educated with ongoing education.

Look Into Doggy Daycare For Your Dog Today

The benefits your dog could receive by going to doggy daycare are undeniable! Ensure your dog’s health and happiness by looking for a doggy daycare to enroll them in while they are young. Again, not all doggy daycares are the same, so be sure to look around to find the best match for your pet.

Guy Edwards