A Guide For Different Playstyles For Dogs

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Different Strokes For Different Dogs – Finding Your Puppy’s Playstyle

One of the perhaps lesser-known necessities when it comes to raising a puppy is to make sure that your puppy is properly socialized with other dogs and people. Properly socialized puppies are more likely to grow into healthy, friendly adult dogs.

When you’re preparing to introduce your puppy to other pups and people, it can be helpful to know their playstyle — or how your puppy likes to play. Knowing this will help you to pair your pup with another dog who has a complementary playstyle. While the best way to figure out your puppy’s playstyle is through observation, you can make some educated guesses as to your puppy’s playstyle based on their breed. Often, playstyles are dependent in part on breed type. Here are a few examples of breeds with well-known playstyles.

Sporting Breeds

The sporting breeds were originally developed to assist with hunting, and include such breeds as Pointers, Setters, Spaniels, and Retrievers.
Click to learn more about Sporting Breed playstyles.


Hounds were bred to hunt and pursue prey. These fall into two distinct categories — sight hounds and scent hounds. This group is fairly diverse, ranging from the Dachsund to the Irish Wolfhound.
Click to learn more about Hound playstyles.


Terriers are also hunters but were bred specifically to eradicate rodents and vermin and chase small game. These vary widely but are generally divided into short-legged, long-legged, and stocky. Typical characteristics include a high prey drive and cleverness.
Click to learn more about Terrier playstyles.

Toy Dogs

Toy dogs have been bred very specifically for human companionship and are often miniaturized versions of other breeds.
Click to learn more about Toy Dog playstyles.

Herding Dogs

Herding dogs were, of course, bred to herd other animals. This breed includes dogs such as Border Collies, Corgis, and Australian Cattle Dogs.
Click to learn more about Herding Dog playstyles.

Look Into Doggy Daycare For Your Dog Today

The benefits your dog could receive by going to doggy daycare are undeniable! Ensure your dog’s health and happiness by looking for a doggy daycare to enroll them in while they are young. Again, not all doggy daycares are the same, so be sure to look around to find the best match for your pet.

Guy Edwards